Trovo Account Creator and View Bot

👉 Bot creates accounts using temp email services

such as or

👉 Uses random usernames and passwords to create accounts.

👉 It can use already created accounts using cookies and/or

email password format.

👉 It has support for proxy use.

👉 It has goes to url of streamer and first follows

then watches steam until you close program.

TikTok Account Creator and Livestream Viewer

Bot creates accounts using imported hotmail accounts

in email:password format. 👈

Uses random usernames and passwords to create accounts. 👈

It can use already created accounts and it

supports proxy use. 👈

Uses random User-Agent. 👈

It has goes to url of streamer stay until user close bot. 👈

YouTube View Bot

👉 It uses random User-Agent and it has proxy support.

👉 Bypass contest form and clicks on other

pop-ups over web page.

👉 Clicks on play button if video/music

did not start automatically.

👉 Suppot multithreaded to run more browsers at same time.

👉 Waits until video/music is finished than closes itself or

if it is livestream it waits until livestream is finished

and closes itself or until you close it.

Twitter Account Creator

Bot uses service to get numbers and uses them for

SMS verification for creating Twitter accounts. 👈

Creates random password and uses API for

creating random name and usernames. 👈

It supports usage of proxies and creates random User-Agents. 👈

supports proxy use. 👈

It uses website to download and

upload profile picture. 👈

It can create custom bio and/or one you provide,

by default it leaves bio empty. 👈